

IBI, Because

Full Disclosure
By Word And Deed
Why our Independence Means Freedom for You
It's More Than Dollars; It's Good Sense




Did you ever think your choice of an insurance policy  might determine how you live the most valuable years of your life? Every day we entrust our lives to strangers: doctors, lawyers, insurance agents. And now a viatical settlements company. How do you pick the right one?spacer

Full Disclosure

If you're living with a terminal illness and are in need of financial assistance, you have choices. Individual Benefits will bring you up to speed on all the possibilities that apply to your situation before we introduce the  viatical option. We'll give you the information necessary to  make an informed decision about your life.spacer

By Word And  Deed

Individual Benefits is one of the most respected viatical  settlement firms in America. Our clients are satisfied  because we have consistently maintained offers at, and often  above, current viatical markets. You'll receive up to 85% of the face value of your policy. And because we want you to be completely happy, we recommend that you double-check your  contract to make sure it includes a 15-day rescission period following the sale of a policy. That way, if you change your mind, there are no fees and no obligations. Just return the  settlement in full, together with any premiums you might have paid.spacer

Why our  Independence Means Freedom for You

The simple fact that we're an independent resource offers  you substantial advantages.

First, we do not buy policies for profit as do private funding companies. They offer the lowest amount possible to leverage your policy against dozens or hundreds of others in  a portfolio. It's the same principle insurance companies use  to calculate your policy payments based on risk. They're all  more concerned about their portfolios than they are about  you.

Instead, we seek out the best single funding source for  your individual policy. Think of it this way: you won't be graded on a curve. We're in the business of finding the  highest settlement offer for you instead of managing portfolios for us.


Another point in our favor -- and yours -- is that, as medical science discovers new treatments, instead of getting nervous and leveraging settlements even more narrowly, we can be happy for the people we help, continuing to seek top dollar for our clients. (See news on the latest breakthrough  -- triple combination therapy announced in Vancouver-- in All About the Viatical Industry.)

Further, as one of the leading viatical settlements  companies, we're going to be around for a long time. A trend  toward consolidation in our industry may eliminate some  smaller companies, but it means a broader base for us.

Finally, we see another real plus in consolidation that  will benefit all prospective clients: experts predict that  it will accelerate the trend toward better industry regulation, something we've advocated since our first day in business.spacer

It's More Than Dollars; It's Good Sense

This is more than a business to us. Everyone at  Individual Benefits has been through the terminal illness of a relative or friend. We believe in our work. That's why we  promise to treat you with the same integrity, compassion and skill as if your situation were our own.

Our company is committed to the individual for one simple  reason: we know that the strength of our society lies in the  security of every individual. That's why we call ourselves "Individual Benefits."




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